Well done to our U11 gymnasts for a fantastic competition, please see results below:
For the vault scores if the gymnast performed a squat through or straddle over this is marked out of 16 and if the gymnast performed a squat on with an immediate jump off this is marked out of 14.
Gymnast 1: Floor: 13.4 Vault: 14.6 / 16
Gymnast 2: Floor: 13.5 Vault: 13.3 / 14
Gymnast 3: Vault only: 15 / 16
Gymnast 3: Floor only: 12.5
Gymnast 4: Floor: 11.8 Vault: 14.8 / 16
Gymnast 5: Floor: 13.6 Vault: 13.1 / 14
Top 4 scores count for each apparatus:
Floor overall: 53
Vault overall: 57.7
Overall score: 110.7 2nd